TU/e, WUR, UU and UMC Utrecht are cooperating to innovate their curricula, to make them more widely available and to develop joint curricula. Six interrelated projects have started up to this end, which will eventually result in a future-proof, innovative educational concept.
In addition to the projects: development of innovative, didactic teaching methods, the exchange of students and staff and the joint approach to education for professionals, the following projects have been defined:
(Online) alternatives for practicals, field work and internships
In the coming academic years, education will continue to face COVID-19 measures. In order to be able to provide education anywhere and at any time, each institution is redesigning parts of the curricula. Education where practical skills are taught, such as labs, fieldwork or internships, is more difficult to redesign. This project is mapping out how practical education can best be supported to seize new opportunities and become more future-proof. This includes help such as learning tools, other technologies or new educational designs. Contact: Danielle van Dijl, danielle.vandijl@wur.nl
Joint Master’s programme
Jointly and with the students, the institutions develop a new Master’s programme. In this way students acquire the values, attitude, skills and knowledge needed to solve problems not previously encountered. This is supported by a learning environment that is personal, cooperative, interdisciplinary, flexible and adaptive. Contact: Sabine Uijl, s.g.uijl@uu.nl, Ulrike Wild, ulrike.wild@wur.nl
The institutions jointly research these innovations in education. Contact: Sabine Uijl, s.g.uijl@uu.nl
Questions or ideas?
Please contact Sabine Uijl, Strategic Programme manager, s.g.uijl@uu.nl