Seed fund

The alliance offers staff members the opportunity to explore new interdisciplinary connections between the partner institutions. A Seed Fund has been set up for small-scale initiatives such as preparing for an external grant application, developing a new course, organising an event or setting up collaboration with social partners.

Rounds 2023

In 2023 there will be two opportunities to apply for seed money. Deadlines are 1 March and 1 July. In each round funds are available to award three to four applications.

Call March 2023

If you are interested in applying for this call, please read the criteria and use this template. The deadline for application is 1 March 2023.

Selection procedure

Applications will be assessed by the Seed Fund Committee. In each call three to four proposals will be awarded.

Projects 2022

> Seed Fund projects November 2022

> Seed Fund projects July 2022

> Seed Fund projects March 2022

Projects 2021

> Seed Fund projects November 2021

>Seed Fund projects July 2021

> Seed Fund projects March 2021


Esther Stiekema
+31 (0)6 34 16 10 48